I've been up to the hive quite a few times in the past week, and apart from that first day when I checked them I must say that the bees seem in rude health. On visits, I've always seen lots of them coming and going, and on occassion when I crouch down and peer into the dark beyond the entrance slit I can see bees packed right down around the bottom of every frame. It really was quite a sizeable swarm. I can't wait to get in there and see what they have been up to. It's a good guess that they have been very busy drawing out comb, and I'm also hopeful that the queen is laying in there since foraging bees have been returning with baskets of pollen on their back legs. Weather permitting, I intend to open up the hive at the weekend. Sure, this is slightly before the "14 days" I originally intended, but I'm guessing they are pretty happy in there and won't abscond if I take a 5minute peek to see how they are. I am very excited to find out.
(FYI: this is the day I created the blog - everything prior I hashed in around now)
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