Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Bee Maths

I just found a pretty decent webpage of "bee maths". It's concise and relevant, and I like it enough as a reference page that I'll post it on my blog links.

Wow! Actually I then went from this bee maths link to look at the website it's a part of, Bush Farm Bees. It's a really interesting read. Some of the ideas there seem somewhat non-establishment, but the way the vibe in beekeeping seems to be going is more towards this type of thing, and the site's well written and the points made seem well researched by sound experience.


  1. Kenzie. Thanks for making others aware of Bush's website. It's one I've been following for 2 years. I hope others will read and consider a more natural, sustainable way of keeping bees. It's working for me :)
