Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Presentation to LWT

I gave a presentation on honey bees to the Camden Nature Reserves Forum last night, which is part of London Wildlife Trust. I had drafted in John, the Chairman of North London Beekeepers, to give me a hand. He was awesome - they loved him: very articulate and credible. As part of the presentation I mentioned the Nature Reserve site my bees are on and talked a little about my beekeeping experiences there. The whole presentation seemed to go down very well and we got some good feedback.

Whether this will be enough to allow me to stay on the site remains to be seen. Officially I have to get off "as soon as possible" (see my plaintive posts below) even though it seems that most people want the bees to stay. For the time being I'm fudging / ignoring the issue, in the hope that ostrich-like behaviour will make it go away. It's not my normal style since I usually prefer to deal with things honestly and head on, but frankly I think I've been mistreated and if someone calls me to definitively say "get off" then I can and will move the bees off the my mother-in-law's house, although the 1 hour round trip is not ideal. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing how beekeeping is making in-roads into the general appreciation of wildlife. I suppose the media coverage last year has prompted this revitalised interest.

    Sorry to hear about your site problem and hoping that decency prevails to let you keep your hives there.

    P.S. delighted that my last post prevented you from making the same mistake!
